How To Tell If Steak Has Gone Bad
Your guests are enjoying the nice weather and conversations in your yard. It’s almost steak time, and you decided to offer it to your guests. However, you noticed that there’s something off with your frozen meat. Did you buy a spoiled steak? Or did it just go bad? What could have happened?
If you’re not planning to consume it straight away, refrigerating or freezing it can help it last longer. But neither will retain your meat indefinitely. Steaks can go bad in the freezer if not stored correctly or for too long. You don’t want to become sick from your favourite cuisine.
Continue reading this to know how to tell if steak is bad.

Signs That the Steak May be Spoiled
You should check the steak for spoilage before cooking if it has been in the fridge for a few days. It’s essential to know how to detect if your steak is terrible so that you don’t end up with dissatisfied visitors or a stomach that isn’t pleased.
It would be best to know these signs, as spoiled or bad meat may cause food poisoning.
It has a slimy texture.
The presence of a slimy layer on the surface of a piece of steak is a good indicator of spoiled meat. Clear or yellowish in hue, it will give the steak a gleaming appearance. Also, it will feel slick or sticky to the touch when you run your fingers across it. Before it becomes bad, a bad steak is likely to have a slimy coating on it. When your steak is covered with mould, it’s reasonable to assume it’s contaminated with hazardous germs and no longer safe to consume.
Slime may not appear on your steak at once if the meat is only beginning to flip. Always check your meat before grilling for any slick places.
It’s discoloured.
Meat that has turned a strange shade of brown is unappealing, but it doesn’t always signify that your steak has gone bad. Haemoglobin and myoglobin are the two proteins responsible for the red meat colour. Haemoglobin and myoglobin are both found in blood, while myoglobin is found in muscle. When flesh from a dead animal is exposed to the air, chemical reactions occur between the proteins and oxygen. The colour of your steak will change three times during this procedure until it reaches a condition of chemical equilibrium.
Your sliced meat will take on a cherry red tint once it has been exposed to the elements for roughly 30 minutes. Three days after the myoglobin had oxidised, it would become a brown steak. You may now consume the meat without fear of contamination. The colour of meat does not necessarily indicate that it is terrible.
There should be noticeable discolouration and spots on your steak to establish if it’s unhealthy for you.
It’s juice-less.
If a steak is dry, it is likely considered as rotten meat. A steak that is shrivelled, dried, and dry suggests that it has passed its prime. A dry-aged steak does not guarantee it will make you ill. Unless the steak has a lot of marbling, the dryness will alter its texture and flavour when it’s cooked. It’s best to vacuum-seal the steak before putting it in the freezer to prevent it from drying out. As a result, you’ll preserve the steak’s natural moisture while avoiding the spread of bacteria.
The steak will begin to deteriorate as soon as it’s been exposed to spoilage bacteria, resulting in mould and a foul odour.
It has a weird smell.
Even if a raw steak that is past its shelf life doesn’t smell great, your nose can typically detect the difference between a nice, fresh steak and rancid meat. It will no longer smell like raw beef but rather like ammonia if it has been spoilt. As soon as you get a whiff of it, you’ll know exactly what you’re dealing with.
It’s also worth noting that you shouldn’t always rely on your nose for this task. Because the dry ageing process produces lactic acid, which has a pungent odour, dry-aged steak can have a smoky flavour. When in doubt, try some of our other “how to tell if a steak is rotten” suggestions to get the answers you need.
Its Best-Before date has passed.
One of the easiest methods to avoid a poor steak is to always check the expiration date at the store or butcher to be sure it hasn’t passed or won’t expire before you prepare it. Remember the distinction between sell-by and use-by dates. The sell-by date tells the vendor how long they have to sell a consumer to utilise the meat. The use-by date specifies when You should consume the meat. In certain situations, it’s fine to eat frozen meat a day or two over the expiration date, but it’s recommended to err on the side of caution and eat it the day before.
It’s also possible that the expiration date is far away from your purchase date, and you have no plans to cook it soon. Because most individuals don’t check their freezer often, it’s conceivable that your expiration date has passed. To avoid this, keep a note of your freezer’s contents and their expiration dates. The list can even go on the fridge. You may also include the date you put it in the freezer, so you don’t keep it too long.
How Long Can You Freeze Raw Steak?
The finest quality, juiciness, and texture are achieved when beef is consumed within six months of freezing. When stored for up to a year, steak is less prone to freezer burn than when cooked immediately after freezing.
Once you’ve defrosted steak or any other meat, it’s not safe to refreeze it because of the risk of harmful bacteria growth. If you are unable to consume it immediately, boil it and then freeze it again.
How to Store Fresh Meat for Longer Lifespan
There are few dinners as indulgent and delicious as a cooked steak at home. The good news is that if you don’t plan to eat beef steak within a few days, or if you’ve bought up on a bargain, steak freezes well. Here’s all you need to know about how to store steak in the freezer properly.
Freezing meat
Frozen raw steak is a snap to thaw. Take it out of the grocery store bag, which is probably too full of air, and tightly wrap it. The bottom shelf of the freezer is the best place to keep steak.
You should freeze meat at 0°F (-18°C). Cooked meat has a shorter freezer storage duration than raw meat owing to taste taint. Some flavours oxidise in the freezer. Refreezing defrosted frozen steak is not advised unless it is cooked beforehand.
It loses quality each time it is defrosted and refrozen. Freezing forms ice crystals in the flesh (as meat contains a high percentage of water). These ice crystals cause the meat to bleed when defrosted—repeatedly dry meat texture. Never refreeze thawed meat.
Thawing meat
Using a defrost setting in a microwave oven: The food should be cooked immediately after being defrosted in a microwave since certain sections of the food may have already begun cooking during the defrost process. This process also applies to fresh pork or poultry.
This method of thawing takes the longest, so plan beforehand. Frozen foodstuffs that are small enough to fit in the refrigerator overnight will take much longer to defrost.
What Causes Meat to Spoil
Many things can cause the meat to rot or go bad, but mould and germs are the most typical culprits. As a result of microorganisms in meat, proteins and lipids degrade, and the meat becomes unfit for human consumption and comply with food safety regulations.
Here are several factors why meat goes bad:
- Bacteria: Bacteria that lived in the flesh of an animal or found a new home after the animal was killed can ruin the meat. A sour flavour or a powdery texture imply an unhealthy bacterial population or pathogenic bacteria.
- Break down: Mould and bacteria are the most common causes of meat deterioration. Microorganisms in meat destroy proteins and lipids, making the flesh unappealing to humans.
- Mould: Mould prefers damp, warm environments with plenty of food sources, like meat.
- Oxidative Rancidity: Meat lipids react with oxygen molecules, causing discolouration, a rotting smell, and a sour flavour.